Friday, May 30, 2008
Post Rihanna Syndrome Part 3
Post Rihanna Syndrome has been cured by Necole Bitchie. No, I'm not going to stalk Necole (not saying she isn't stalkee material). But because of her post on Laura London yesterday. The dimples, the humbleness, the round M&M physique, the weird eye thing. I posted a Cassie vs New New blog back around the Diddy's Angels hype.
Needless to say New New had Cassie running crying back to R Les.

I should've took heed then instead of chasing Rih Rih's hot ass. She's still single even though linked to everyone rapper under the sun from Lil' Wayne to Young Neef. Doesn't matter, as long as she isn't claimed. Now your boy only has to worry about ya boy.
chris laura

Didn't see This Christmas but I know they both were in it. Don't wanna get all into her then he starts spitting "Is That Your Chick" lyrics at me.
Is That Your Chick...The Lost Verses - Jay-Z
My arch nemesis. My dancing dopplehanger. I shall defeat you.

Here's the list of other potentials I had in mind before my Bitchie-Assisted epiphany:

Megan Good
Megan Goodd
-Vanessa Bryant (I want whatever's driving Kobe)
-Vanessa Curry (I want whatever's driving Kobe)
-The Jamba Juice Girl on 8th Avenue


posted by Sickamore @ 3:46 PM  
  • At May 30, 2008, 4:56:00 PM, Blogger an_jel_ick_ah said…

    WOW! so no credit for being the one to actually tell you in your other blog on women to start jockin New New???? i see how it is.. Just like the pistons, dont give no credit where credits due..

    anyways i found another chick just in case New New gets played out (or gets a dude)

    Keshia Chante

    girls hot and she playin Aaliyah for her biography. She the best kept secret. Can sing AND prob can act well as well.

  • At May 30, 2008, 5:08:00 PM, Blogger HELIO HOV said…

    yo sick check out the 2nd verse of lil wyane's song YOUNGING Blues and see if u still like New NeW i use to love her till i heard that song

  • At May 30, 2008, 5:59:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


  • At May 31, 2008, 12:09:00 AM, Blogger Sickamore said…

    I dont think that verse is about her

    lol @ anjelickah....ur were def the inspiration

  • At May 31, 2008, 4:10:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I feel u though...

    i mean Mrs. London might be right for you......

    Cassie is me...

    I know she wanna be down with a yung swagger ready cat like me i got the proof right here........

    Cassie Loves Rob or Rob Loves Cassie?

    Find out at

    Rob Grimes
    "life n times of grimes"

    On a side note

    Lakers over selltricks in 5 games

    holla at me .....

  • At May 31, 2008, 5:12:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said… lie you like Bad Girls Sickamore...real talk

    Lauren is a good girl gone bad...she got tats dun

    Cassie bad girl she'll make you wait for a bone dog

    singer actress you need to dip in the model pool dun dun...

    Selita Ebank
    Dana Ramirez
    Zoe Saldana
    Kerry Washington

    a lil older mami will makem jealous and upgrade your circle yurrr.


    Rhi Rhi's(eyez)


    New New's(dimples)

    harder choice now right(pause)

  • At May 31, 2008, 8:05:00 PM, Blogger an_jel_ick_ah said…

    I sense some stans in the air.

    And good look on the game last night, where's ur boy rahseedie...I was looking forward to a post from him today :-p

  • At Jun 4, 2008, 12:49:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    ooh Megan Good's makeup is lovely in that pic!!

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Name: Sickamore
Home: Broooooooooklyn, New York, United States
About Me: 23 Year Old Talent Manager + Ageist. Runs ThankGodImFamous, GoOldHead and The Famous Firm. Overall sarcastic yet nice guy
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