Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Video Of The Year: J.U.S.T.I.C.E. - STRESS

This is how The Firm's gonna run up into these record labels. I def need to recruit some 90s Babies now.

Props To Neako 4 putting me on


posted by Sickamore @ 2:55 AM  
  • At May 14, 2008, 6:49:00 AM, Blogger Yellow Rebel said…


    did they film this in france?

  • At May 14, 2008, 10:57:00 AM, Blogger Dart Adams said…

    @ yellow rebel:

    Yes it was. France is now full of brown people from all over the world, especially in and around the major cities like Paris. Few Americans are aware of that fact.

    The thing is that the main influences for this video were A Clockwork Orange, The Warriors and La Haine. In other words, only a 70's baby would've come up with the idea to shoot this in this manner.

    If you saw 28 Days/Weeks Later, Children Of Men or played the Grand Theft Auto series thinking they had an influence on this clip as well just remember that they were all created by 70's babies as well.

    It's all about mindstate not age, Sick. You can either see into the future or you can't.


  • At May 14, 2008, 11:43:00 AM, Blogger Sickamore said…

    you're 100% right Dart...

    ...I'm just saying I want a team of lil 90's babies to run around and smack people up

  • At May 15, 2008, 1:36:00 PM, Blogger Dart Adams said…

    @ sickamore:

    I overstood what you were getting at and I agree. Only some young motherfuckers would run wild in the streets causin' havoc like that.

    BTW, did you see The Signal, Right At Your Door or Civic Duty? Dayum.


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Name: Sickamore
Home: Broooooooooklyn, New York, United States
About Me: 23 Year Old Talent Manager + Ageist. Runs ThankGodImFamous, GoOldHead and The Famous Firm. Overall sarcastic yet nice guy
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