Friday, May 9, 2008
Attack of the 90's Babies!
Museum Of Sex
Manhattan, NY
Waiting For Nicki Minaj to show up for her 4pm Vibe Magazine Interview

The 80's Baby is finally feeling old. The 90's Babies have me under pressure. I asked my 12 year old nephew (5/7/96!!!) what he wanted for his birthday and he said "The black and blue Fusion 5's and GTA 4". I had no idea what the Fusion 5's were so I ask for clarification. "They're the Jordan's and Air Forces mixed together, Uncle Jesse".

Now I really feel like an asshole. A new pair of Jordans and I don't know about them. So I decide to do my research in Soho. I's goes into Transit on Broadway + Bond. Run down the steps and face to face with racks and racks of kicks.

I ask the clerk "do you have the Fusion 5's?". He points to the sneaker in disbelief and utter disgust I would ask him a question like that. I mutter out "size 11", get my kicks and head over to Game Stop to pick up Grand Theft Auto 4.

This process is a lot easier. I see the ads everywhere so I'm up on it, even though I don't really play video games. He gets his gifts and seems content until I get the call:

"Hey Uncle Jesse. Love the sneakers. Thank you! But I only have a PS2 and GTA4 is PS3. So I gotta wait until I get this system. Thanks tho"


He said it like a seeing eye test. P-S-2-G-T-A-4-P-S-3. now I gotta splurge on a PS3. Life and times of a future old head. But I'm not going (old) without a fight. Going to hire a bunch of 90s babies next week to keep me aware. I refuse to be blind sided again!

1. They don't remember Jordan playing on the Bulls, but they want every pair
2. Lil' Wayne is their god. Jay-Z who? Nas is that old school guy right? They like Lupe. Jeezy is their Biggie. My prophecy (XXL, 2006) came true minus T.I.P. (They don't really care for him that much either).
3. TV? Why? 90's Babies can watch everything on YouTube and they're favorite websites

This is an unstoppable generation. Be afraid...old head.


posted by Sickamore @ 6:04 PM  
  • At May 9, 2008, 6:38:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Sickamore back to his bloggin grind. Good look.

    btw one day ur gonna rep me....just watch

  • At May 9, 2008, 6:38:00 PM, Blogger Yellow Rebel said…

    dude I asked this kid if he knew who The Fugees were and he didn't know!

    Yeah, the Fusions are what all of the teens are raving about.

    On the fortunate side, a lot of them like Kanye West. I think he's the bridger of many gaps. Even my mom knows who he is. He really is the biggest Hip-Hop celeb since Jigga.

  • At May 10, 2008, 2:38:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I'm mad your 90's baby nephew is a size 11...or maybe you just got yourself a pair as well. Either way, that shit is horrible. Jordan Fusions are the definition of "Meatball Sundae".

    90's babies will have their chance, it still our time tho. We aren't as old as we think, the "wannabe 70s babies" 80's babies just have us wanting to believe so.

  • At May 10, 2008, 3:40:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    This is a really insightful post. It kinda speaks to one of the main arguments I make in this feature I am working on.

    You definitely gave me some ideas with this. I wanna interview your nephew

  • At May 10, 2008, 4:31:00 PM, Blogger Dart Adams said…

    I will never understand the obsession with Nikes. I thank God everyday that I was born a Bostonian and He blessed us with the good Adidas sneaker.

    As far as your statements on 90's babies go, I told ya so back in 2006. Remember?

    PS3's are ill. They play almost every kind of media and you can synch them with your Mac and play files from your hard drive on the PS3 and copy them to your hard drive. Plus it plays Blu Ray disks...the skys the limit with it's uses/applications.

    I watched Speed Racer on mine the other day...without a physical copy of the film. It's the future, Sick.

    Oh yeah, how 'bout them Celtics?


  • At May 10, 2008, 5:37:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Not all 90's baby's say jay-z who and think jay-z is their god... but you are right on a couple things.
    you lookin for a 90's baby to keep you up to date get at me
    -90's baby's president

  • At May 10, 2008, 6:23:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    damn you dont know bout them fusion joints...they are old now. haha. im an 80s bby and i know bout them. haha. str8 from florida.........came to visit....& stayed. hahahha

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Name: Sickamore
Home: Broooooooooklyn, New York, United States
About Me: 23 Year Old Talent Manager + Ageist. Runs ThankGodImFamous, GoOldHead and The Famous Firm. Overall sarcastic yet nice guy
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