Friday, May 23, 2008
Miami? DR? Backyard BBQ?
Sick Stouting

I woke up energized with fresh outlook on life. No Jamba Juice needed. Bored today? Don't watch TV watch me. Let's make it happen. Insert cliche here. Sick Stoute. Here''s my checklist of goals for the next 96 hours.

-1,000 E-Mails
-500 Phone Calls
-20 Blogs (Including 5 Interviews!)
-2 Books + 1 Audio Book
-Throw A Legendary Pre-Memorial Day Party Sunday
-End GTA 4 (something I didn't even start)
-Find New Rihanna

This would be a perfect weekend to hit me up about any and everything. I'm in a Kobe-vs-Spurs-in-the-last-17-and-a-half-minutes-where-he-score-25-of-his-27-pts-to-comeback-from-20-down zones. I like using vacations and holidays to catch up on my competition. And gain further ground on the upstarts. So while y'all are on the beach, calling a cab or backyard BBQing, I'll be here. You're all welcome.

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posted by Sickamore @ 9:52 AM  
  • At May 23, 2008, 10:35:00 AM, Blogger International Foxx said…

    Sick I gotta give you the "80's Babies" mixtape by B.G. (Grand Hustle/Atlantic) well you know him and K.Gates (from Dame's Ultimate Hustler Show and K.Gates vs. 50 Cent mixtape fame) and Bonka (new hype). Just got the shipment in yesterday via overnight from "Tha Bottom of Tha Map" so I'll try to catch you this weekend.

  • At May 23, 2008, 2:08:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    seems like alot eh.

    ps. I take it Atlantic isn't the place to be (for hiphop) that is... all y'all niggas jumped ship.

    Are there any other labels with a good "hiphop" department left? lol

  • At May 23, 2008, 8:42:00 PM, Blogger Yellow Rebel said…

    hey sick where is this legendary pre-memorial day party going to be held? is it a private or public event?

  • At May 23, 2008, 8:51:00 PM, Blogger Sickamore said…

    Ima post the flyer + my email soon as I finish planning it out

  • At May 23, 2008, 8:51:00 PM, Blogger Sickamore said…

    Hip Hop = Production Company or Indie

  • At May 23, 2008, 11:09:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    ps. I'm working on a Country Album.

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Name: Sickamore
Home: Broooooooooklyn, New York, United States
About Me: 23 Year Old Talent Manager + Ageist. Runs ThankGodImFamous, GoOldHead and The Famous Firm. Overall sarcastic yet nice guy
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