Wilson was released yesterday after 2 years in prison. He was released because the state of Georgia found his sentence "unconstitutionally cruel and unusual". I'm happy for Genarlow (what the hell was his mother thinking?!) and all, but then I started to think, "What if I was that girls' father?"
1) His 17 year old daughter is on tape giving oral sex 2) She wasn't exactly "raped" in the traditional sense of the word, so he can only be so angry at Genarlow 3) How do you punish your daughter for something like that? 4) He must've been so embarrassed during that whole trial and police report.
Or even worse, imagine being Genarlow's parents. Losing your child for 2 years. Scary. It just makes me paranoid as a future father. It's a lose lose situation for everybody involved and a valuable lesson that should be learned by all.
he was just a squirrel tryin to get a nutt, who doesn't smoke and drink especially when you're 17? then again who shares a girl's mouth with their buddies on tape and isn't gonna enjoy the kind of activities a cellmate has to offer?
like mobb says: A HOE'S GONNA BE A HOE. 15 and 17... they are in the same school... she didn't say stop. she wanted the black NFL cock. what girl goes to a HOTEL.. drinks... smokes... with a group of dudes anyway? HELLO??? and she probably cried rape cuz he didn't call her the next day. white girls yo.
Name: Sickamore Home: Broooooooooklyn, New York, United States About Me: 23 Year Old Talent Manager + Ageist. Runs ThankGodImFamous, GoOldHead and The Famous Firm. Overall sarcastic yet nice guy See my complete profile
All pedophiles should just die. What kind of a f-ed up world we live in?