4:32am yellow cab home. Random thoughts flow. This blog was inspired by Ferris Bueller and the good folks of No Days Off.
Bosses wear ties, smoke cigars and shaved facial hair
My first residence in this country was 2285 Sedgwick Avenue. Coincidence? I think not
Cab don't want to stop for you? Sneak up on his ass at the light and just jump in. Surprise nigga!
If you're reading this before 6am on a Sunday morning, you're going to be successful in life
50 Cent needs to make a remix to "Get Low"
It takes not being drunk in a club to realize how stupid everybody acts.
The post-club diner game in NYC is wack. Cafe Yaffa? Too weird? Cafeteria? Too Hollywood. Coffee Shop? Closes too early. 7A? Too hipster. Chelsea diner? Too ghetto. Pop Burger? Too little space. That diner on 23rd and 2nd? See Chelsea. I wonder what time iHop downtown BK closes? Shout out to Don Pooh
I'm going to create an imaginary friend named Jerry. He'll be like the guy in Mr. Brooks. But he won't tell me to kill people.
Awal Dawood. Taxi 6L58. License # 5162047. If I die tonight, it's because of his crazy ass
Why piss in your own elevator or spit on your own floor? Why don't you just cut your own face?
Your team scored 114 points and your dumb ass only had 7? What is hell is you Mo Williams?!?! What the hell is you?!?!?!
I'm beating I Can Make You Second by 940 points. Beating Ralph by 724. I'm beating their whole family combined by about a perfect SAT score.
If anyone out there sees Wynter, pleeeease ask her to give me back my camera. Pls pls pls pls pls!
5:09am. Good night and good luckLabels: 80s Baby Observations |
LMAO!!! You are a mess!!!