Tuesday, December 18, 2007 |
What They've Also Learned In 2007 |
More "What They've Learned In 2007" from friends ad associates
William Kutchum III Writer, Future Magazine Owner
Got this idea from reading Sickamore's blog, who got his idea from Esquire magazine. Basically, this is just "the condensed life lessons, knowledge and weird insights" from my past year.
-Entrepreneurship/self-enterprising is the only way. Journalism is my love and freelancing is my hustle, but I've gotten fucked over on too many checks by too many magazines and web sites this past year to depend on them anymore. I'ma keep freelancing, but starting my own publication, book and other ventures is more than an aspiration now: it's a necessity. Word to Adisa Banjoko, Steve "Flash" Juon, and the rest.
-Knowing successful people is valuable for more reasons than you may think. Not only because they can give you connections that you need or give you career advice, but because they're inspiration and they can keep you hungry. Y'all think I'm doing my thing? When you see who I chat with that's my age - Danya Steele, Tionna Smalls, Miso Brown, aforementioned Sickamore - it's a necessity.
-Speaking of Danya Steele and Tionna Smalls, I've realized that I need to wife a woman who's really, really doing her thing from a career standpoint. Not only will we connect better, but a woman who can handle her biz - especially if she's innovative with how she does it - is sexy as fuck to me. And if she looks good? Wrap.
-I'm going to start getting involved in fantasy sports from now on, namely football and/or basketball. ESPN is the only TV channel I watch, all my people do it, and it'll give me more reason to watch games more consistently and analyze these sports better. Plus, that shit just looks fun; I feel left out as hell when cats are talkin' about their fantasy stats around me.
-I really wish I would've learned the value of saving money earlier in my college career. Any young'n's who read this, stay fly, but stay secure, too. You'll understand what I'm saying in a few years.
-I swear I'ma make some YouTube videos this year. I've got a webcam on my Dell XPS M1330, but I don't know what the fuck to make a video about; my ideas always seem like their better articulated through writing.
-On a relevant note, my essentials list: Dell XPS M1330, Blackberry 8800, 80GB iPod (I'm still on my 5th gen, hopefully copping the 160GB new joint sometime next year), Sony IC Recorder (props to Thelonious G for the return), and Sony 7.2 megapixel Cyber-Shot (not as dope as my nigga Miso's shit, but hey, it works). I can't wait to get more bread so I can cop shit as much as I want.
-On another relevant note, popularity hasn't been something I've strived for since like high school, but I wanna be popular so I can get a deal advertising a product I love (preferably a Blackberry). Getting free, customized shit and tapping my name on something I either already use or fully advocate , just because of who you are, is dope as hell to me. See: Dwayne Wade, John Mayer, etc.
-I used to think it was overrated. But if you do it the right way, drinking is fun as hell.
Hip-Hop -If you listened to all the great albums that came out in 2007 and still believe that hip-hop is dead, fuck you. The music is the best that it's been since '96 (yeah I said it), and old heads are holding it down while young cats are keeping shit hot for the future.
-On a related note: VH1 Hip Hop Honors, Tribe Called Quest slighting, and dumb OkayPlayer comments aside, Lupe Fiasco is the best emcee under 30. Don't get me wrong: Blu, Joe Budden and Chamillionaire are competition, but Lupe's conceptual genius, metaphors, wordplay and delivery are unparalleled these days.
-I'm not sure where I'll be once I graduate, but if I stay, a benefit will definitely be Michigan's hip-hop scene. With all the dope shit that's coming out from here - OneBeLo, Black Milk, Buff1, Guilty Simpson, and others - it's incredible to know and honor such an incredible hub for hip-hop.
-There needs to be a hip-hop version of The View, with 50 Cent, Cam'ron, Ghostface and RZA. That shit would be beyond hilarious.
Carol/Tso/Cazmo/Black Porcelain/Ms Mashigo
Singer, songwriter, writer, Radio presenter & producer
December 18
In bed (Cape Town, South Africa)
So I'm at home sick and waiting for the 'flu meds' to kick in. Whenever I'm online I check out a few peoples blogs and while I was visiting Sickamore's blog I came across this post (what I learnt in 2007). It inspired me to do my own. So here goes:
21:45 pm
- Slow is beautiful. I used to run through breakfast, work, learning how to play the piano etc. This year I found the joy in experiencing every moment of what I'm doing. I have learnt to be PRESENT in every moment of my life, so I can be the best me I can be at every moment of my life.
- No matter what I do, there will always be someone who does not like it/me. I got a job that someone elses was not very well at (I didn't ask for it, I just got it) . Instead of looking at themselves that person turned their anger toward me. No matter what you do, how well you do it or how good your intentions are. There will ALWAYS be someone who think you are 'scum of the earth', so do what you want to do for you and no one else.
- I underestimate myself way too much. This year I changed jobs, got a 'promotion' in less than 6 months of starting my new job, doubled my income, made the nay sayers eat their words, wrote 3 new songs (by myself) on the piano (that I only started playing less that 2 yrs ago). I don't underestimate myself anymore!!
- I can have a good time without drinking. At varsity I used to drink a WHOLE lot, but outside of that environment I have really moved away from that.
- This is STILL a mans world. Intelligent women still don't have their power. Booty shaking and being someones 'woman' is still what counts. Capable singers have to resort to being naked to be respected and men can look as shabby as shabby as they want and they still get respect.
- Never have sex or try to have sex when you are NOT READY for it. Things work so much better when you are ready. Sex is so much more than getting naked with someone... SO SO MUCH MORE THAN THAT. Sex starts with you: what you say to yourself, how much you value yourself and being responsible for your own actions.
- Gratitude is POWERFUL! Being grateful for what you have EVERYDAY makes you see how much you really have and it also opens you up for more blessings.
- Preventing the spread of HIV has very little to do with education and everything to do with people's attitudes. Too many young WOMEN who are very educated are STILL dying from HIV/AIDS.
- I believe that we have let the youth down in a very bad way. Just switch on your TV, radio, go on the Internet or listen to what kids are saying. I'm not saying that I am old and wise but I am saying that these kids are confused and there is a lot of work that WE ALL need to do to 'rescue' the youth.
- No matter how good you think you are as a president, if you alienate your team they will not vote for you again. Leaving the people that you are leading in total confusion.
- I live in a beautiful, but equally sad country.
- I LOVE my life!
I think that's it... Labels: what i've learned |
posted by Sickamore @ 6:39 PM  |