Ah ha! Maybe it's not Apple's fault.
My GFFL Annie explained to me that technology, and everything else for that matter, goes crazy during Mercury Retrograde. And that my laptop imploded the first day of the third cycle. Now I'm not exactly Mr. Astrology, but there has to be some reasoning behind my mysterious MacBook crash. Here's some details I stole from google:
Here we go again... Mercury goes retrograde once again. It happens 3 times a year and it lasts for about 3 weeks. This time is from June 16 to July 10, 2007. Next, from October 11 to November 1, 2007. And then from January 28 to February 18, 2008. This is an important period, and we should be aware of the effects associated with this astrological influence. Since it is so often, we must learn what it means and how to take advantage of it. There is no real backwards movement of Mercury; it's just that we see it this way from Earth, because of the combined movement of the Earth and Mercury around the Sun. However, astrologically this is very relevant. Mercury rules over the mind's processes, studying, communication, businesses, travels and the like. When Mercury reverses its direction, all these areas are affected as well. The mind turns naturally inwards and people tend to analyze more the own thoughts and follow the common thinking patterns, rather then be curious and eager of new intellectual experiences or challenges. This helps the meditation or the thorough lonely long-term study of a specific matter, but it affects the study of new subjects, the communication with the others, the attention oriented outwards. Businesses, travels and communications tend to experience delays and different problems. Computers and other processes that work with information may experience crashes, unexpected failures. Don't enroll to courses, don't buy expensive Mercurian items (books, cars, mobile phones etc.), don't sign important contracts and do not marry. You read the last line. Sorry ladies.Labels: i'ma nerd |
Sick....that must explain the delays at work in Newark lol